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माँ कालिकाय वचन सिद्धी

माँ कालिकाय वचन सिद्धी

माँ काली को माँ के सभी रूपों में सबसे शक्तिशाली स्वरुप माना गया है । भय को दूर करने वाली , बुद्धि देने वाली , शत्रुओं का नाश करने वाली माँ काली की उपासना से सभी कष्ट स्वतः ही दूर होने लगते है । माँ काली की आराधना शीघ्र फल देने वाली है । शास्त्रों में वर्णित है कि कलियुग के समय हनुमान जी , काल भैरव और माँ काली की शक्तियाँ जागृत रूप में अपने भक्तों का उद्धार करने वाली होगी । कुछ मान्यताओं के आधार पर माँ काली की उपासना केवल सन्यासी और तांत्रिक तंत्र सिद्धियाँ प्राप्त करने हेतु करते है । किन्तु यह पूर्णत: सत्य नहीं है , माँ काली की उपासना साधारण व्यक्ति भी अपने कार्य सिद्धि हेतु कर सकते है ।

माँ काली मंत्र साधना में सफल होने से रोगों से मुक्ति मिलती है । शरीर को बल और बुद्धि प्राप्त होती है । हर प्रकार के भय और डर आदि तो माँ काली के स्मरण मात्र से ही दूर होने लगते है । माँ काली साधना से माँ की दस महाविद्याओं में से प्रथम विद्या सिद्ध होती है । माँ काली की साधना करने वाला साधक सम्पूर्ण जीवन मृत्यु के भय से मुक्त होकर जीता है । माँ काली साधना धन-लक्ष्मी, सुख-शांति व मान-सम्मान आदि सम्पूर्ण सुखों को देने वाली है ।

आज आपको मंत्र साधना के साथ साथ माँ काली जी को वचन में दिया जाएगा,माँ काली जी को वचन में प्राप्त करने हेतु सर्वप्रथम एक लौंग साथ मे एक खाली ताबीज लीजिए और माँ काली जी के मंदिर में जाये,वहा जाकर माँ काली जी से कृपा प्राप्ति हेतु प्रार्थना करे और लौंग को खाली ताबीज में डालकर लाल धागे में पहन लीजिये,यह काम मंगलवार के दिन करना है । ताबीज को शनिवार तक धारण करके रखिये और शनिवार के दिन लाल वस्त्र, 8 निम्बू, एक फूलों का माला, कपूर का तीन-चार टिकिया, लाल कुंकुम और एक मिठाई साथ मे पूजन हेतु रखिये । पूजन का फोटो आपको व्हाट्सएप पर दिया जाएगा जिससे आप जान सकोगे की पूजन कैसे करना है । ताबीज में रखी लौंग का क्या करना है यह भी रहस्य बता दिया जाएगा । पूजन से पूर्व मुझे फोन (मेरा फोन नम्बर +918421522368) कीजिये मैं कुछ मंत्र आपके कान में बोलकर फूँक लगा दूँगा और आपसे एक वचन लूंगा के "आप इस जीवन मे इस साधना से किसीका कभी बुरा नही करेंगे और इस विधान को गोपनीय रखेंगे,किसी भी प्रकार से शक्ति प्रदर्शन भी नही करोगे", साथ मे आपको माँ काली जी को वचन में दिया जाएगा और एक गोपनीय शाबर मंत्र भी दिया जाएगा ।

मंत्र का 108 बार जाप करने से मंत्र सिद्धि हो जाएगी और मंत्र के माध्यम से काम कैसे करना है यह दूसरे दिन बता देंगे परंतु आप अपनी ऊर्जा बढ़ाने हेतु मंत्र का नित्य 108 बार जाप करते रहिए । जितनी ऊर्जा बढ़ेगी उतना ही आपको फायदा होगा,आपके कार्य शीघ्र होने लगेंगे और 108 बार जाप करने में 20 मिनट से ज्यादा समय नही लगेगा । इस साधना हेतु दक्षिणा की न्योच्छावर राशि 2100/-रुपये निर्धारित की गयी है,इससे ज्यादा दक्षिणा स्वीकार नही की जायेगी ।

जो साधक माँ काली जी के वचन प्राप्ति साधना हेतु उस्तुक है वह साधक व्हाट्सएप पर संपर्क करे,योग्य मार्गदर्शन किया जाएगा,सभी प्रकार का मार्गदर्शन निःशुल्क किया जाता है इसलिए चिंता की कोई बात नही है ।


from POWER OF TANTRIK SADHANA https://ift.tt/2s6EFge

Shabar Mantra Siddhi Sadhana


Shabar Mantra Siddhi Sadhana

Shabar Mantra Siddhi Sadhana, When you love someone, you extend your emotional self to the other person and expect the same in return. This emotion within you develops a personal attachment and strong attraction for the other person. Love creates different feelings, attitudes and states. These may include interpersonal affection, as you love your mother and pleasure, as you love eating some things. But, it is most exciting, thrilling and rather exhilarating, when you love someone of opposite sex, with a romantic feeling. It is un-expressible and uncontrollable. You are then urged to extend your physical self to him or her. When you fail to do that, you get mentally tortured and disturbed. It is here that you need the shabar vashikaran mantra for love. By vashikaran, you bring the mental and psychological activities of someone, under your control. Mantra is a culmination of words and phrases, with paranormal power.

Shabar Mantra Siddhi Sadhana
Shabar Mantra Siddhi Sadhana

You may be wondering; why a paranormal power to get love. It is because; it involves one’s care and identification with another person. Going by the Biological models of sex, you can view love as a mammalian drive, just as urges for hunger or thrust. You can experience love in three stages; attraction, lust and attachment. The feeling of lust drives you towards sexual desire. The romantic attraction depends upon what makes your love partner to be attracted towards you. Your personal effect can’t make this to happen. Therefore, you need shabar vashikaran mantra for love. You can interpret lust as the initial sexual desire that can be aroused by shabar vashikaran totke. Similarly, you can interpret attraction as the individual romantic desire for mating with someone. The shabar vashikaran mantra for love can control the desire, passion and physical activities of your love partner.

When you fall in love, your brain releases chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin and neurotransmitter hormones. These chemicals make you restless until you satisfy your erotic desires. The ‘pleasure center’ in your brain stimulates your emotional physical self. You will then be subjected to increased heart rate, loss of appetite and sleep. These in turn, affect your physical activities. You want your love partner to be attracted to you and yielding to your wishes and desire. T he best option for you is to go in for shabar vashikaran mantra for love. It will drive away all obstacles coming in your way of love, totally. In order to amplify the effect, you can practice vashikaran shabar mantra by guru gorakhnath. This mantra is supported by tantric practice, esoteric techniques and rituals, supplemented by hath Yoga. You get miraculous effects if you resort to vashikaran shabar mantra by guru goraknath.

Why love-seekers rely so much on vashikaran shabar mantra by guru gorakhnath? Guru Gorakhnath was the disciple of Guru Matsyesndranath. He was a spiritual teacher and the founder of a popular Indian religious movement, the Nathas. This movement was a combination of Shaivism (Lord Shiva), Buddhism and Hatha Yoga. Guru Gorakhnath founded the Kanphata Yoga, religious ascetics that stresses on Hath Yoga. Instances are there that, with Hath Yoga, a person can walk on water, an unbelievable feat. Similarly, the vashikaran mantra by guru gorakhnath can bring unbelievable outcomes in the matter of love, lust, attraction and enchantment. His contemporary kings became his disciples, accepting him as the incarnation of Lord Shiva Legend goes that he could enter into other physical bodies. Therefore, the vashikaran shabar mantra by guru goraknath has the power of controlling the emotional and physical selves of your love partner..

Shabar Mantra Siddhi Sadhana

The disciples of guru gorakhnath have been carrying his teachings for generations. Those who undertake deep sadhana for long years with total dedication, acquire siddhi or perfection on Guru Garakhnath’s teachings. Such people are very rare. If you intend to avail the benefits of vashikaran shabar mantra by guru gorakhnath, search well for finding the guru. You can also get shabar vashikaran mantra for love and shabar vashikaran totke from the same source. The non-response of your love partner may be due to magic spell or an evil spirit impacting her emotional self. In such case, the vashikaran shabar mantra by guru gorekhanat will remove the effects of negative energies. It will bring back romantic spirit in the minds of your love partner. You will then be enabled to satisfy the ‘pleasure center’ of your brain.

When you are reciting or even listening to any mantra, you are consciously or unconsciously performing a spiritual practice. Your spiritual being takes you to a higher state of consciousness. Your emotional being and subconscious desires will penetrate into the emotional being of your love partner. This is how the vashikaran works. You bring his or her emotional being under your control. She or he will now act, in whatever way you desire and direct. No evil spirit or magic spell will work if you resort to shabar vashikaran mantra for love. The following is a shabar mantra jap

Oum! Namoh Adesh Guru Ka

Sindoor ki mayaa

Sindoor naam teri patti

Kamakhshya seer par teri utpatti

Sindoor padhi mein lagaun bindi

Bash amuk ho ke rahe nirbuddhi

Mahadev ki shakti

Guru ki bhakti

Na bashi ho to kaamroo kamqakhshya ki duhai

Aadesh haadi daasi chandi ka

Amuk ka man laao nikaal

Nahin to mahadev pita kaa baam pads jaye lag

Aadesh! Aadesh! Aadesh!

The above is one of the many shabar vashikaran mantras for love. There are customized mantras suiting to the person and circumstances. You have to practice the mantras, under the strict guidance of an accomplished guru. When you practice shabar vashikaran totke, you will be spiritually enabled to overcome all adversities of your life. These may be troubling you in the shape of love relationship, spouse relationship, enmity relationship, professional problems and family problems.

from Pandit Kashiram Sharma +91-98-786-79245 https://ift.tt/2RAEeVW

Pati Ka Vashikaran Karne Ke Upay


Pati Ka Vashikaran Karne Ke Upay

Pati Ka Vashikaran Karne Ke Upay, Today, we see a lot of married relationships which are not healthy and strong. We see so many wives who are not happy with the behaviour of their husband towards them. There are women who are ready to anything for bringing their marriage back on track. They are also ready to do anything for controlling their partner and getting their love. Since pati vashkaran upay is not easily adopted, women force themselves to use these tips, to get their husband’s respect. When you are constantly facing troubles in your marriage, it is better to take the problem out of roots. Pati vashkaran upay can favorably help you to solve the love problems with your life partner.


Pati vashkaran upay is also used by women who want to control and rule their husband. They want to hold the grip on their husband’s mind and solve the problems quickly. You must do pati vashkaran upay with mantras and totke, which are beneficial. You have to devote yourself completely to the procedure of pati vashkaran upay and only then, you will be successful in this. There are so many effective tips that can help you in this. Look at the following:

Pati Ka Vashikaran Karne Ke Upay

This is in use from long time back. Women who see no other way to get the love of their husband, start using the vashikaran mantra for love. Using Pati vashikaran mantra for love is also inexpensive and you can easily do it home. You will only have to hold good faith and shradha in the mantra. You must recite the mantra about 10,000 times in every seven days, and after the mantra will become powerful for pati vashkaran upay. You will then also see good changes in your relation with husband and he will feel more attracted to you. You will also start holding good control on your better half’s mind and feel the love coming back to you. The mantra for pati vashkaran upay goes this way,

“omm hrinn shrimm krimm thrimm thaaaah thaaaah aamukaamm maamm vaashaamm kromee”

You will have to recite this mantra regularly and as suggested. This is mantra is very powerful for even getting the love from your boyfriend or your ex-boyfriend. While you recite this mantra of pati vashkaran upay, you will have to keep the person in your mind and make use of the mantra with purest feelings. This will also help you to stop your love from falling into attraction with some other women. This pati vashkaran upay is the best method and the most famous for wives to control their husband. This eventually helps you to support a good and healthy relationship with your husband, right the way you want it.

You can also look for pati vashikara totke as a measure of pati vashkaran upayEven the totke works as a magic and wonder in strengthening the love bind between the husband and wife. You have to stay fully dedicated and purely in love with your husband and only then, pati vashkaran upay works. Even if you visit an astrologer, make sure you visit a professional and experienced astrologer for pati vashkaran upay, in this field.

Pati ko vashikaran ke totke

Totke is the powerful use of magical spells of love for pati vashkaran upayWhen you see, your husband is going away from you and there is no other way to have him back, you can follow pati vashkaran upayMany women are using pati ko vashikaran ke totke to control her husband’s mind and body. One of the very powerful totke for pati vashkaran upay is:

Wait till Friday. On Friday, first offer your love prayers to Shree Krishna. Make sure, you do it with pure heart and dedicate your prayers for your husband. After that, when your husband goes to sleep at night, take 3 cardamoms and rub that on your body. After you have done this, put those cardamoms closer to your husband’s body and sleep.

When you wake in the next morning, take those cardamoms and put them in the tea or food of your husband. only your husband should consume those cardamoms. In about 2-3 weeks duration, you will eventually see that your husband has started to follow your commands. This is a very powerful spell of pati vashkaran upayThis is one remedy from the Lal kitaab, for pati ko vashikaran ke totke.

Pati ko vash me karne ke upay

Pati vashkaran upay is gaining popularity in today’s world. This is working wonders and women are constantly looking for Pati ko vash me karne ke upayThese are simple and effective tips that you can do at home. One more effective pati vashkaran upay states:

You will need 3 ingredients

  • one small bottle of honey
  • a red pen
  • one birch bark

Take the red pen and write the name of your husband on the birch bark. Now you have to recite this mantra, “Omm Shree Haanumaatein Naamaahh” for over 21 times. After this, you have to blow that birch bark and after that, keep the pieces of the bark in the honey bottle. After you do that, put the lid on the honey bottle and keep the bottle aside in a secured place. This is a secure pati vashkaran upay and very easy to do.

One more pati vashkaran upay that you can do as Pati ko vash me karne ke upay is:

Wait for the shukla paksh Sunday. On that Sunday, take 5 cloves and put them on your body part where you sweat a lot. After doing that, take those cloves and put them under sun. After they are fully dried from the sunlight, make a paste of those cloves. Later, mix that clove paste in your husband’s tea of food, so that, he consumes the clove paste. Once you do this, your husband will start getting attracted towards you. This Pati ko vash me karne ke upay is fetching commendable results. Women who are looking for pati vashkaran upay can easily do this. These are some of the pati vashkaran upay which can really strengthen the between husband and wife.

from Pandit Kashiram Sharma +91-98-786-79245 https://ift.tt/2RzrOgZ

Childless Problem Solution


Childless problem solution is important for every childless couple as every married couple wants to have a child after marriage but today love marriage is in trade where people actually choose their life partner as their desire and if horoscope do not match properly so many serious problem arise like childless problem, women impotency, man impotency, unable to conceive baby and miscarriage. Childless problem solutions are possible by the help of a genuine astrologer and tantrik who have deep knowledge of astrology, tantra and vedic riti to make corrections in the conflicts and give you benefit. Our guruji provide you the childless problem solution using astrology and tantra that can make you conceive a child and get pregnant and it has a system where astrology, tantra and vedic ritual all work together. If you are a childless couple and you want to have a baby and tried all medical treatment, pooja, remedies and doctor advice but nothing happened and still you are sad because of your lonely and sad life so lets contact here and submit your and husband birth detail to analysis horoscope and to provide you guidance and support.

The post Childless Problem Solution appeared first on Vashikaran Mantra Yantra Totke Remedies.

from Vashikaran Mantra Yantra Totke Remedies https://ift.tt/2LAJTYv

Childless Problem Solution


Childless problem solution is important for every childless couple as every married couple wants to have a child after marriage but today love marriage is in trade where people actually choose their life partner as their desire and if horoscope do not match properly so many serious problem arise like childless problem, women impotency, man impotency, unable to conceive baby and miscarriage. Childless problem solutions are possible by the help of a genuine astrologer and tantrik who have deep knowledge of astrology, tantra and vedic riti to make corrections in the conflicts and give you benefit. Our guruji provide you the childless problem solution using astrology and tantra that can make you conceive a child and get pregnant and it has a system where astrology, tantra and vedic ritual all work together. If you are a childless couple and you want to have a baby and tried all medical treatment, pooja, remedies and doctor advice but nothing happened and still you are sad because of your lonely and sad life so lets contact here and submit your and husband birth detail to analysis horoscope and to provide you guidance and support.

The post Childless Problem Solution appeared first on Vashikaran Mantra Yantra Totke Remedies.

from Vashikaran Mantra Yantra Totke Remedies https://ift.tt/2LAJTYv

Shabar Mantra Siddhi Sadhana


Shabar Mantra Siddhi Sadhana

Shabar Mantra Siddhi Sadhana, When you love someone, you extend your emotional self to the other person and expect the same in return. This emotion within you develops a personal attachment and strong attraction for the other person. Love creates different feelings, attitudes and states. These may include interpersonal affection, as you love your mother and pleasure, as you love eating some things. But, it is most exciting, thrilling and rather exhilarating, when you love someone of opposite sex, with a romantic feeling. It is un-expressible and uncontrollable. You are then urged to extend your physical self to him or her. When you fail to do that, you get mentally tortured and disturbed. It is here that you need the shabar vashikaran mantra for love. By vashikaran, you bring the mental and psychological activities of someone, under your control. Mantra is a culmination of words and phrases, with paranormal power.

Shabar Mantra Siddhi Sadhana
Shabar Mantra Siddhi Sadhana

You may be wondering; why a paranormal power to get love. It is because; it involves one’s care and identification with another person. Going by the Biological models of sex, you can view love as a mammalian drive, just as urges for hunger or thrust. You can experience love in three stages; attraction, lust and attachment. The feeling of lust drives you towards sexual desire. The romantic attraction depends upon what makes your love partner to be attracted towards you. Your personal effect can’t make this to happen. Therefore, you need shabar vashikaran mantra for love. You can interpret lust as the initial sexual desire that can be aroused by shabar vashikaran totke. Similarly, you can interpret attraction as the individual romantic desire for mating with someone. The shabar vashikaran mantra for love can control the desire, passion and physical activities of your love partner.

When you fall in love, your brain releases chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin and neurotransmitter hormones. These chemicals make you restless until you satisfy your erotic desires. The ‘pleasure center’ in your brain stimulates your emotional physical self. You will then be subjected to increased heart rate, loss of appetite and sleep. These in turn, affect your physical activities. You want your love partner to be attracted to you and yielding to your wishes and desire. T he best option for you is to go in for shabar vashikaran mantra for love. It will drive away all obstacles coming in your way of love, totally. In order to amplify the effect, you can practice vashikaran shabar mantra by guru gorakhnath. This mantra is supported by tantric practice, esoteric techniques and rituals, supplemented by hath Yoga. You get miraculous effects if you resort to vashikaran shabar mantra by guru goraknath.

Why love-seekers rely so much on vashikaran shabar mantra by guru gorakhnath? Guru Gorakhnath was the disciple of Guru Matsyesndranath. He was a spiritual teacher and the founder of a popular Indian religious movement, the Nathas. This movement was a combination of Shaivism (Lord Shiva), Buddhism and Hatha Yoga. Guru Gorakhnath founded the Kanphata Yoga, religious ascetics that stresses on Hath Yoga. Instances are there that, with Hath Yoga, a person can walk on water, an unbelievable feat. Similarly, the vashikaran mantra by guru gorakhnath can bring unbelievable outcomes in the matter of love, lust, attraction and enchantment. His contemporary kings became his disciples, accepting him as the incarnation of Lord Shiva Legend goes that he could enter into other physical bodies. Therefore, the vashikaran shabar mantra by guru goraknath has the power of controlling the emotional and physical selves of your love partner..

Shabar Mantra Siddhi Sadhana

The disciples of guru gorakhnath have been carrying his teachings for generations. Those who undertake deep sadhana for long years with total dedication, acquire siddhi or perfection on Guru Garakhnath’s teachings. Such people are very rare. If you intend to avail the benefits of vashikaran shabar mantra by guru gorakhnath, search well for finding the guru. You can also get shabar vashikaran mantra for love and shabar vashikaran totke from the same source. The non-response of your love partner may be due to magic spell or an evil spirit impacting her emotional self. In such case, the vashikaran shabar mantra by guru gorekhanat will remove the effects of negative energies. It will bring back romantic spirit in the minds of your love partner. You will then be enabled to satisfy the ‘pleasure center’ of your brain.

When you are reciting or even listening to any mantra, you are consciously or unconsciously performing a spiritual practice. Your spiritual being takes you to a higher state of consciousness. Your emotional being and subconscious desires will penetrate into the emotional being of your love partner. This is how the vashikaran works. You bring his or her emotional being under your control. She or he will now act, in whatever way you desire and direct. No evil spirit or magic spell will work if you resort to shabar vashikaran mantra for love. The following is a shabar mantra jap

Oum! Namoh Adesh Guru Ka

Sindoor ki mayaa

Sindoor naam teri patti

Kamakhshya seer par teri utpatti

Sindoor padhi mein lagaun bindi

Bash amuk ho ke rahe nirbuddhi

Mahadev ki shakti

Guru ki bhakti

Na bashi ho to kaamroo kamqakhshya ki duhai

Aadesh haadi daasi chandi ka

Amuk ka man laao nikaal

Nahin to mahadev pita kaa baam pads jaye lag

Aadesh! Aadesh! Aadesh!

The above is one of the many shabar vashikaran mantras for love. There are customized mantras suiting to the person and circumstances. You have to practice the mantras, under the strict guidance of an accomplished guru. When you practice shabar vashikaran totke, you will be spiritually enabled to overcome all adversities of your life. These may be troubling you in the shape of love relationship, spouse relationship, enmity relationship, professional problems and family problems.

from Pandit Kashiram Sharma +91-98-786-79245 https://ift.tt/2RAEeVW

Pati Ka Vashikaran Karne Ke Upay


Pati Ka Vashikaran Karne Ke Upay

Pati Ka Vashikaran Karne Ke Upay, Today, we see a lot of married relationships which are not healthy and strong. We see so many wives who are not happy with the behaviour of their husband towards them. There are women who are ready to anything for bringing their marriage back on track. They are also ready to do anything for controlling their partner and getting their love. Since pati vashkaran upay is not easily adopted, women force themselves to use these tips, to get their husband’s respect. When you are constantly facing troubles in your marriage, it is better to take the problem out of roots. Pati vashkaran upay can favorably help you to solve the love problems with your life partner.


Pati vashkaran upay is also used by women who want to control and rule their husband. They want to hold the grip on their husband’s mind and solve the problems quickly. You must do pati vashkaran upay with mantras and totke, which are beneficial. You have to devote yourself completely to the procedure of pati vashkaran upay and only then, you will be successful in this. There are so many effective tips that can help you in this. Look at the following:

Pati Ka Vashikaran Karne Ke Upay

This is in use from long time back. Women who see no other way to get the love of their husband, start using the vashikaran mantra for love. Using Pati vashikaran mantra for love is also inexpensive and you can easily do it home. You will only have to hold good faith and shradha in the mantra. You must recite the mantra about 10,000 times in every seven days, and after the mantra will become powerful for pati vashkaran upay. You will then also see good changes in your relation with husband and he will feel more attracted to you. You will also start holding good control on your better half’s mind and feel the love coming back to you. The mantra for pati vashkaran upay goes this way,

“omm hrinn shrimm krimm thrimm thaaaah thaaaah aamukaamm maamm vaashaamm kromee”

You will have to recite this mantra regularly and as suggested. This is mantra is very powerful for even getting the love from your boyfriend or your ex-boyfriend. While you recite this mantra of pati vashkaran upay, you will have to keep the person in your mind and make use of the mantra with purest feelings. This will also help you to stop your love from falling into attraction with some other women. This pati vashkaran upay is the best method and the most famous for wives to control their husband. This eventually helps you to support a good and healthy relationship with your husband, right the way you want it.

You can also look for pati vashikara totke as a measure of pati vashkaran upayEven the totke works as a magic and wonder in strengthening the love bind between the husband and wife. You have to stay fully dedicated and purely in love with your husband and only then, pati vashkaran upay works. Even if you visit an astrologer, make sure you visit a professional and experienced astrologer for pati vashkaran upay, in this field.

Pati ko vashikaran ke totke

Totke is the powerful use of magical spells of love for pati vashkaran upayWhen you see, your husband is going away from you and there is no other way to have him back, you can follow pati vashkaran upayMany women are using pati ko vashikaran ke totke to control her husband’s mind and body. One of the very powerful totke for pati vashkaran upay is:

Wait till Friday. On Friday, first offer your love prayers to Shree Krishna. Make sure, you do it with pure heart and dedicate your prayers for your husband. After that, when your husband goes to sleep at night, take 3 cardamoms and rub that on your body. After you have done this, put those cardamoms closer to your husband’s body and sleep.

When you wake in the next morning, take those cardamoms and put them in the tea or food of your husband. only your husband should consume those cardamoms. In about 2-3 weeks duration, you will eventually see that your husband has started to follow your commands. This is a very powerful spell of pati vashkaran upayThis is one remedy from the Lal kitaab, for pati ko vashikaran ke totke.

Pati ko vash me karne ke upay

Pati vashkaran upay is gaining popularity in today’s world. This is working wonders and women are constantly looking for Pati ko vash me karne ke upayThese are simple and effective tips that you can do at home. One more effective pati vashkaran upay states:

You will need 3 ingredients

  • one small bottle of honey
  • a red pen
  • one birch bark

Take the red pen and write the name of your husband on the birch bark. Now you have to recite this mantra, “Omm Shree Haanumaatein Naamaahh” for over 21 times. After this, you have to blow that birch bark and after that, keep the pieces of the bark in the honey bottle. After you do that, put the lid on the honey bottle and keep the bottle aside in a secured place. This is a secure pati vashkaran upay and very easy to do.

One more pati vashkaran upay that you can do as Pati ko vash me karne ke upay is:

Wait for the shukla paksh Sunday. On that Sunday, take 5 cloves and put them on your body part where you sweat a lot. After doing that, take those cloves and put them under sun. After they are fully dried from the sunlight, make a paste of those cloves. Later, mix that clove paste in your husband’s tea of food, so that, he consumes the clove paste. Once you do this, your husband will start getting attracted towards you. This Pati ko vash me karne ke upay is fetching commendable results. Women who are looking for pati vashkaran upay can easily do this. These are some of the pati vashkaran upay which can really strengthen the between husband and wife.

from Pandit Kashiram Sharma +91-98-786-79245 https://ift.tt/2RzrOgZ