Different terms have been used by various writers on the occult to describe the etheric field and the elements. For the purposes of the discussion and exercises that follow, the terms and definitions below will be used to describe these concepts:

  • Akasha or Akashic Force is often simply called the “fifth element.” This is the foundational principle of the four elements, fire, water, air and earth, and a catalyst for their manifestation. The seed of each of the four elements is in the akashic force.
  • Fire is hot and dry; its polar opposite is water. This is the forward propelling energetic component of the electrical force in the body. Its energy pushes out from itself like the positive end of a magnet or battery. Its effect is heat and inflammation, similar to fire or lightning. (Yod)
  • Water is cold and moist. This is the drawing, attracting energetic components of the electrical force in the body. Its energy pulls in toward itself like the negative end of a magnet or battery. (Heh) Air is moist and hot; its polar opposite is earth. This element occurs naturally between fire and water. It creates an equilibrium and a bond between the first two elements. (Vau)
  • Earth is dry and cold. This is a heavy, dense element, which is a combination of the previous three but is nearer in density to our physical existence. (Heh)
  • Ether or Etheric Field is a combination of the previous five elements and is very nearly physical in its density. In another manner of speaking, the term, etheric, could be used to describe all of the previous elements, however, this is not the definition we are using here. In this instance, the term is being used to describe the nearly physical aspect of ourselves and of ghosts and spirits that are very nearly physical manifestations.

It is important not to confuse the symbolic representations of the four elements with the actual energy, itself. These elements are frequently symbolized in ceremonial magic as a reminder to the magician or as an anchoring mechanism in the practice of magic. But, many modern witches, lacking true initiation into the mysteries, often confuse them with the actual natural physical elements of fire, water, air, and earth. You will personally experience the effects of these spiritual elements if you conduct the following exercises properly. The following meditation demonstrates how the elements come together to increase the power of life the force within a person. Each time a witch performs this exercise, his or her personal power becomes a little stronger and more densely concentrated than before. Assume your usual meditative posture, which may be sitting, standing or lying down. Visualize a black ball of energy tinged with purple that is popping and crackling like lightning in the pit of your stomach, located right on your spinal column, behind your navel. Remain conscious of your breathing. Upon each inhale, draw this energy in and with each exhale concentrate it into a dense ball in the pit of your stomach.

This ball of energy you are forming is comprised of pure akashic energy, Continue to breathe and draw in the energy, compressing it into this vibrant ball. Breathe deeply and evenly. As you perform this exercise, you may be tempted to shorten your breath, but keep your focus and breathe deeply and deliberately. The power to concentrate the energy into a dense ball is in the exhale. Weight lifters and bodybuilders will be very familiar with this principle because they know from the experience that it is easier to exert force on an object upon exhale. Keep the 6-3-6-3 rhythm, as described above, to your breathing as you compress this energy. After you have collected akashic energy and compressed it into a ball for a few minutes, begin drawing in the element of fire. This is an energy-dense enough to appear as a white mist tinged with red. By the same method, draw it in and compress it into the ball for a few minutes. After you have done this, your body should be tìngling with energy. You may be experiencing surges of energy all throughout your body that cause you to shake involuntarily or experience muscle spasms. Then, using the same breathing technique, add a little of the element of water to the ball. See the water element as a white light tinged with a blue-green color. It swirls around in the air like a mist and has to be pulled into the ball. See it being sucked in like swirls of smoke being pulled into a vacuum.

The fire and water elements together intensify the electricity present in the akashic force, making it even denser and more active. The air element occurs naturally between water and fire. You do not have to go out of your way to create it. The energy ball is made denser by adding a little element of earth, which is a dense, heavy-feeling, white light, tinged with yellow or reddish-brown. Adding more of the earth element to the energy ball makes it more densely etheric and brings it closer to the physical level. There are some instances in which you may do a working, especially in black magic, where you do not want your own bodily energy associated with the procedure. In this instance, you may generate energy from without your body and concentrate it into a ball in front of you instead of in the pit of your stomach.

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