Kaal Sarp is means Time and snake. It is the most dangerous dosha in the kundli of any person. It is believed that it remains for 47 years which is actually a very long time. Now what happen in this? When there is kaal sarp dosha in the kundli then all the seven planets get stuck into the Rahu and Ketu. It actually has very bad effect on a person. One has to suffer a lot. There come many problems and one has to go through health, property and business related issues. Thus one who get to know they are prey of this they must have to take Kaal sarp Dosh and Upay. This is very important just to make life get on the track.

Kaal sarp Dosh and Upay

If a person needs Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran they must have to follow procedure by Astrologer Raj Shastri ji. He is one who provides the solution to every person.

Know what Kaal Sarp Dosh is?

Astrologer Raj Shastri ji has helped various people by letting them know how to deal with such problems. Symptoms of Kaal Sarp dosha is something which a person must have to know. This is something which makes it easy for a person to know how it is impacting them:

  • It deteriorates the health of a person and gives them less time span
  • People usually get insecure and having fear of death
  • Problems occurs related to love, marriage and children
  • Some disease which could not be cured
  • A person does have to struggle related to their wealth and other financial things
  • They do have to face betrayals
  • There is delay in success
  • A person is unable to maintain family relationships
  • There is lack of confidence
  • There is no happiness and mental peace
  • A person is not able to take their personal decisions
  • A person always remains confused

And there are many other problems which usually a person has to face. Thus a person must have to perform Kaal Sarp dosh lal kitab ke upay. Those are the easy way of letting away the troubles which a person usually faces.

Kaal Sarp Dosha Types in Kundli

This dosha also have many different types. Thus, if ever any person goes through any problem it is very important for them to take help of Astrologer Raj Shastri ji. He is the one who could make everything better. Even if a person has taken his remedies at right time then of course they could of course make their problem get solve.

Kaal Sarp dosh effects on marriage

Even if a person is having a kaal sarp dosh in their kundli they do have to go through disturbed married life. This is actually not good. Thus a person must have to take Kaal Sarp Calculator which is very important just to know whether you are having any impact of this on your life or not.

Thus Astrologer Raj Shastri ji provides the genuine services for everyone. He will let you know about Kaal Sarp Dosh puja cost just for the good.

The post Kaal sarp Dosh and Upay appeared first on Best Astrologer in India.

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