Shaving a kid’s head

Mundan Muhurat – There comes a time in every Hindu’s life, where they have to go bald. This mostly happens when the person is a kid. Many people in India know that they should shave the newborn’s head as a part of the ritual. As the ritual goes on for generations, people hardly think about the reason behind this ritual. 

It is important to note here that Hinduism is not the only culture where a kid’s head needs to be shaved as a part of the ritual. Many Muslims in the country also follow this ritual. However, the Muslim household’s follow the ritual within the 1-40 days of birth, whereas a Hindu household will perform this ritual somewhere between 1-4 months. 

Shaving a person’s head when someone in their family dies

Men in Hinduism shave their heads when someone – a parent or someone equivalent to a parent- dies. 

It is believed that after the death of a person in the family, the environment at home, Raja-Tama (means complete darkness and destruction), which are two of the three Gunas, becomes excessive in nature. The linga-deha of the dead person is believed to continue to wander in the surroundings and around the family members for some time. The linga-deha emits waves of these two Gunas, and these waves are attracted to the black colour, which is the colour of hair in most Hindus. Absorbing such waves could result in various issues in humans, like headaches or uneasiness. To avoid such issues, the ritual of shaving heads is followed. 

This ritual is often seen to be performed by the men who perform the last rites of the dead person. This ritual must be done within the cremation area. 

What is the best time for a haircut?

In Hinduism, cutting hair has assigned dates that are considered auspicious. Every year comes with a list of dates on which a person can cut his hair. For example, cutting hair on Monday is considered good in Hinduism. However, Tuesday is an inauspicious day for hair cutting activity, and hence, Hindus refrain from cutting their hair on this day. 

Best Mundan Muhurat in July 2021

  • 2/7/2021 – Friday – 07:04-09:25, 11:42-18:37
  • 3/7/2021 – Saturday – 07:01-11:38, 13:55-18:33
  • 11/7/2021 – Sunday – 11:07-18:01
  • 16/07/2021 – Friday – 06:36-13:03, 15:23-19:45
  • 17/07/2021 – Saturday – 17:38-19:42
  • 25/07/2021 – Sunday – 06:20-12:28, 14:48-19:10
  • 26/07/2021 – Monday – 07:50-14:44
  • 29/07/2021 – Thursday – 14:32-16:50
  • 31/07/2021 – Saturday – 07:31-09:48, 12:04-18:47

Best Mundan Muhurat in August 2021

  • 4/8/2021 – Wednesday – 07:15-11:49, 14:08-16:27
  • 6/8/2021 – Friday – 07:07-14:00, 16:19-18:23
  • 7/8/2021 – Saturday – 09:21-16:15
  • 12/8/2021 – Thursday – 17:59-19:42
  • 13/08/2021 – Friday – 06:40-11:13, 13:33-15:51
  • 14/08/2021 – Saturday – 15:47-19:34
  • 23/08/2021 – Monday – 17:16-18:58

Best Mundan Muhurat in September 2021

  • 1/9/2021 – Wednesday – 07:42-12:18
  • 2/9/2021 – Thursday – 16:37-18:19
  • 3/9/2021 – Friday – 07:34-09:51
  • 4/9/2021 – Saturday – 09:47-14:25, 16:29-18:11
  • 9/9/2021 – Thursday – 07:11-09:27, 11:47-17:52
  • 11/9/2021 – Saturday – 07:03-11:39
  • 13/09/2021 – Monday – 06:55-13:50
  • 18/09/2021 – Saturday – 07:24-08:52, 11:11-18:44

If you are looking for Best Mundan Muhurat in 2021 then your search ends here!

By Anil Astrologer

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from Anil Astrologer