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Know your Dasha

In vedic astrology dasha plays a very important role. If you are going to an astrologer for horoscope reading then you surely know about the dasha. The meaning of dasha is period. The dasha of each planet does play an important role in the life of a person. Astrologer Raj Shastri ji is well known person who actually let a person to Know your Dasha. This is how the overall things could get better for a person. Time to time the dasha of planets get change. This is all because planets are not stable all the time. Mostly people are fear of the dasha because they never want that any kind of bad period could come in their life.

Know your Dasha

The dasha can generate good or bad time for us. The planetary moment in any house can bring good luck for us or bad luck for us. Thus it is always important to use Dasha calculator for that person who actually want to know how the things would be for them. This does brings an idea for a person for their better life.

Types of dasha

A person believing in astrology they must also know about the different kinds of the dasha. There are actually three types of the dasha. Those are:

  • Mahadasha dasha
  • Antardasha dasha
  • Vimshottari Dasha

These dashas decides the result according to the time. Moreover certain dasha also leaves mark on our life. The different dashas does show their impact on a person for several years. During that time they might have to go through troubles or sometimes not.

How to predict mahadasha?

Some people also want to predict their dasha. Usually it is not that easy and thus for that a person has to get to Dasha predictor. For the dasha the position of moon matters a lot. Thus to calculate this one has to get to Astrologer Raj Shastri ji. He is one who calculates this for clearing the doubt of a person. Mahadasha comes for very brief period of time.

In Indian astrology horoscope dasha let a person to know how their life will be. It is the only way to know about the right solution of the problem if a person is going through some bad dasha. One who needs to know about the free mahadasha prediction they could prefer to come to him for the better solution. Thus for everyone it is the way through which major issues could simply be handled by a person.

Mahadasha prediction and impact could let a person to suffer. It can create misfortune for a person and create lots of the doubts in the mind of a person. Moreover if a person is facing any problem in their marriage they must have to take Marriage dasha calculator. This helps a person to deal with the issues of the life. Whether it is education, career, business, marriage or any other things all a person could get to know about with it.

So, get to Astrologer Raj Shastri ji to know your dasha.

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from Best Astrologer in India https://ift.tt/3vsUKJ3

Kaal sarp Dosh and Upay

Kaal Sarp is means Time and snake. It is the most dangerous dosha in the kundli of any person. It is believed that it remains for 47 years which is actually a very long time. Now what happen in this? When there is kaal sarp dosha in the kundli then all the seven planets get stuck into the Rahu and Ketu. It actually has very bad effect on a person. One has to suffer a lot. There come many problems and one has to go through health, property and business related issues. Thus one who get to know they are prey of this they must have to take Kaal sarp Dosh and Upay. This is very important just to make life get on the track.

Kaal sarp Dosh and Upay

If a person needs Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran they must have to follow procedure by Astrologer Raj Shastri ji. He is one who provides the solution to every person.

Know what Kaal Sarp Dosh is?

Astrologer Raj Shastri ji has helped various people by letting them know how to deal with such problems. Symptoms of Kaal Sarp dosha is something which a person must have to know. This is something which makes it easy for a person to know how it is impacting them:

  • It deteriorates the health of a person and gives them less time span
  • People usually get insecure and having fear of death
  • Problems occurs related to love, marriage and children
  • Some disease which could not be cured
  • A person does have to struggle related to their wealth and other financial things
  • They do have to face betrayals
  • There is delay in success
  • A person is unable to maintain family relationships
  • There is lack of confidence
  • There is no happiness and mental peace
  • A person is not able to take their personal decisions
  • A person always remains confused

And there are many other problems which usually a person has to face. Thus a person must have to perform Kaal Sarp dosh lal kitab ke upay. Those are the easy way of letting away the troubles which a person usually faces.

Kaal Sarp Dosha Types in Kundli

This dosha also have many different types. Thus, if ever any person goes through any problem it is very important for them to take help of Astrologer Raj Shastri ji. He is the one who could make everything better. Even if a person has taken his remedies at right time then of course they could of course make their problem get solve.

Kaal Sarp dosh effects on marriage

Even if a person is having a kaal sarp dosh in their kundli they do have to go through disturbed married life. This is actually not good. Thus a person must have to take Kaal Sarp Calculator which is very important just to know whether you are having any impact of this on your life or not.

Thus Astrologer Raj Shastri ji provides the genuine services for everyone. He will let you know about Kaal Sarp Dosh puja cost just for the good.

The post Kaal sarp Dosh and Upay appeared first on Best Astrologer in India.

from Best Astrologer in India https://ift.tt/38J4LZc

Inter Caste Marriage Specialist Astrologer in India

Inter caste marriage is something for which most of the people are always against. There are many people those who always want that no one get against their marriage. Still when parents come to know about the love marriage they never allow their child to do that. Thus there are many couples those who always face problems while they wish to do love marriage. Inter Caste Marriage Specialist Astrologer in India is that famous person who has solved various problems of a person. He is an expert who has actually helped couples to deal with the issues.

Inter Caste Marriage Specialist Astrologer in India

It takes very less time to deal with the issues of the life.  There are many people those who have made their decision of marriage successful with this. Thus one has to be very careful about various things. Taking help of Astrologer Raj Shastri ji has helped people to deal with the issues of the life. Soon a person will see how the overall things would get better for them.

Inter caste love marriage problem solution astrology

Astrology is that thing which actually helps a person to deal with the issues of the life. Soon a person will see that their problems soon get solve with this. Thus getting to Astrologer Raj Shastri ji helps a person to deal with the issues of the life. When love marriage becomes tough for a person then surely a person can use astrology. Getting to Inter Caste Marriage Specialist Astrologer in India will surely help you to deal with the issues that become hurdle for a person.

There are many situations where it is good to use astrology. A person gets to know about the reason which is creating problem for a person. Thus one must have to get to an expert for the better solution. He will help you to find a better solution thus a person could also take online love marriage problem solution. This is the way through which a person could take blessings of their parents.

Free solution for inter caste marriage problem

Every person needs a solution whenever it comes to their marriage. Caste is the basic reason behind the problems of a person. Every person wishes to do love marriage they always have to be prepared for this. Still if they are unable to handle the things they must have to follow the guidance of famous astrologer for love marriage.

He is one who helps you to deal with different situations of the life. Thus one must have to be very careful about various things. While taking best astrology service in India a person must have to follow some genuine guidelines suggested by Astrologer Raj Shastri ji.

A person could also get Love marriage solution payment after result from him. This is the way troubles could soon get away and a person only has to pay when their work is all done. Thus getting to inter caste marriage astrologer is always very important. So, leave your problems based on astrology now.

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from Best Astrologer in India https://ift.tt/3tnJxrt


We always want to know about our future. But do you actually think that knowing about future is something which is easy! Actually not, this is only possible if a person get to astrologer. Yes, it is true that only an astrologer could help a person to deal with the situations. Horoscope is something which is very important for a person. This makes it easy for a person to know what is going to happen to them in future. This let a person to know what will happen to them in future. Astrologer Raj Shastri ji is well known astrologer who has made various people to know about this. It is the way a person could deal with various issues of the life.

What is horoscope?

If any person is not aware of that what is Horoscope they surely get to know. It is the prediction which let a person to know what is going to happen to them in future. Thus, this helps a person to know about any aspect of the life. This actually makes it easy for a person to know their future which they think is not possible to know.

When any person gets to Astrologer Raj Shastri ji they will surely able to get know about Free horoscope. It is very important if ever any person having any doubt in their mind. Every person must have to believe in fact that everything in universe is interrelated with each other. Thus one has to be very much careful.

Astrological predictions for today

If you are wondering to know about what is going to happen to you today then you are at right place. Astrologer raj Shastri ji will surely let you know about various things. There are many people those who want to take free predictions by horoscope expert. This is how the overall things could get better for a person.  

Today’s horoscope will here to provide you an idea that how the overall day for you. This is how a person can make things better for them. They can even protect them for letting the things get worst for you. Thus a person could get to Astrologer Raj Shastri ji anytime for the online horoscope reading.  

Monthly and daily horoscope

If you get to Astrologer Raj Shastri ji for the daily, monthly and yearly horoscope it is possible that you can get an idea that how the things would be for you. Below are what you get to know with horoscope:

  • Financials
  • Business or career
  • Relationship and family
  • Travelling
  • Education and many other things

If there is anything which might not be good then of course a person can also get the remedy which could make the things better. Thus if you are also wondering to take Love horoscope then you are at right place.

Do take free daily horoscope which provides you a clear idea and solve your various problems. Know about your lucky day, time and colour so that the current day get better for you. Horoscope is good to manage future things.

The post Horoscope appeared first on Best Astrologer in India.

from Best Astrologer in India https://ift.tt/2ORY9jX

Diwali Puja

Diwali is the most important festival in India which is now also celebrated around various other countries also where Indians resides. On this day laxmi puja has observed. There is great importance of this in the life of a person. Diwali Puja is done on the night of amavasya. This is the reason people always light the candles and earthen lamps in every direction. It is believed that Goddess laxmi comes to earth on this day and bless those who worship her. Thus laxmi puja plays an important role in the life of every person.

There is a proper procedure of this. To know more about this one must have to come to Astrologer Raj Shastri ji. One who does not know about the procedure of this puja they could consult him. He suggests the right procedure that will surely start affecting the life of a person.

Step by step guide to perform Diwali Puja

When it comes to performing the Diwali Puja it is very important to follow the procedure very carefully. A procedure performed efficiently will surely help a person to get blessings of Goddess Laxmi. Thus, getting to Astrologer Raj Shastri ji is very important. He is one who explains all the procedure of this. Moreover a person could also take his help while performing this. While performing this puja a person must have to know Diwali puja Mahurat. This is very important. This puja has start from the Dhanteras.

For Diwali puja vidhi one has to gather all the important ingredients. Goddess laxmi is the goddess of health and prosperity. Thus before starting the puja one has to follow some points mention below:

  • Clean your house and work place
  • Wear clean clothes for the puja
  • Perform the puja with clear heart
  • Enlighten the lamps on the passage

These are some tips which a person must have to follow for Laxmi puja on Diwali. It will help us to get blessings of Goddess laxmi. If you do not get all the ingredients then no need to worry. A person must have to buy Diwali Puja kit. This makes it easy for them to do pujja.

Significance of Laxmi Puja

There are many benefits of using the Laxmi puja. The best thing about this puja is that it brings the peace, prosperity and wealth in the life of a person. Even a person who seeks abundance of knowledge, skills and talent they should also perform this puja. This is the puja which a person must have to perform in proper direction. Thus to know about Vastu directions for diwali puja one must have to get to Astrologer Raj Shastri ji.

If you are having some goal in your life which you want to achieve then this Diwali puja can help you to achieve that. But always keep in mind some Do’s and don’ts of Diwali Puja. This will make a person to get blessed by Goddess laxmi. So, do perform this for bringing positivity in your life.

The post Diwali Puja appeared first on Best Astrologer in India.

from Best Astrologer in India https://ift.tt/3bOfDqk

Daily Horoscope Prediction

We could get to know about the things that could happen to us in future. This is how we can get an idea just to make our life better. The planets do impact our life. Every day we have some new problems or situations to which we have to deal with. But sometimes it is not that easy to handle the things. Using astrology always makes us to deal with the problems. Moreover we could also get to know about the future. Some predictions are always worth in every situation. Daily Horoscope Prediction is something which is very important. One who needs to make things better for them they could get to Astrologer Raj Shastri ji.

Daily Horoscope Prediction

He is one who could help you by providing a clear idea about life. This is the way a person could handle the things which might not good for them.  A horoscope could help a person to know about various things about the life. Thus always prefer to take today’s horoscope.

Free prediction by astrologer

Astrology is very important whenever we need to make things better.  Thus if you want to explore what is going to happen to you in future or in a day then of course you can get to Astrologer Raj Shastri ji. He is one who is best known for Daily Horoscope Prediction. Such predictions could make things well in your overall day. It’s possible to know how would be the love, career, relationship and various other things. This is how the situations could get better just with the normal predictions of life.

Free daily horoscope predictions

A person could take predictions from an expert. This is just to keep things better always. Some people always take it as superstition or fake. But there are many Benefits of today’s prediction which is important. Some facts of predictions are:

  • It does become easy to take various decisions of life
  • A person could take important decisions of their business and career also
  • It is good to take prediction before going to plan any travel
  • This also helps a person to know about the nature of some other person with this

And there are many more situations where it is good to take predictions. Thus getting to Astrologer Raj Shastri ji will surely helps you to deal with the situations.

Sun sign or moon sign astrology

Astrology sometimes differs from sun sign and moon sign. To know more about this a person could take help of Astrologer Raj Shastri ji. He is one who is best known for his Kundli predictions. This is the best and easy way for the accurate predictions. He always tries to predict after reading the birth chart and this is how the things could be better for a person.

Now it is possible to check your daily horoscope here. Astrologer raj Shastri ji provides the better solution to various problems of a person. Thus for your Daily horoscope today do contact him or go onto his online portal. This is how you get a clear idea of various things.

The post Daily Horoscope Prediction appeared first on Best Astrologer in India.

from Best Astrologer in India https://ift.tt/3vvMRmc

Astrology Birth Chart Report

Birth chart is something which a person could use just to place the planets on their right track. This is how a person gets to know whether there is dosha in their kundli or everything is good. Thus it is always good to take Astrology Birth Chart Report. This is very important if a person want things to be better for them throughout their life. The situations are not tougher for any person to analyse if they have their birth chart. Thus for any kind of the predictions or solution to any problem a person must have to get to Astrologer Raj Shastri ji. He is one who could provide everyone a genuine solution to their problems.

Astrology Birth Chart Report

Most probably people need this to get the solution of their problem. Thus birth chart is very important just to deal with various tough situations. Moreover a person could also get the solution to their various problems. This is what astrology is and how it works for a person.

Importance of astrology birth chart report

There is much importance of the planets on our life. We should have to know its importance just to keep things better. Below is some basic importance of Astrology Birth Chart Report:

  • It helps a person to know about the dasha of planets
  • A person could also take predictions about their future with this
  • If there is any planetary displacement its solution also taken by an astrologer
  • Birth chart can provide idea that how the things will be for a particular person

And there are many more things where a person could take his help to deal with the situations. Thus Free astrology birth chart predictions will help you to take various decisions related to life.

Free astrology birth chart report

If you also need free astrology birth chart then do prefer to get to Astrologer Raj Shastri ji. He makes a detailed birth chart which is very important for a person who needs to make things well for them. But, before taking this one must have to know about their birth details. A person can now also take online horoscope calculator service. This makes them to input their basic birth details and get their birth chart report

Free astrology birth chart report is something which is very important. A birth chart will make you to know about what problems could come in your life. Thus if you also need to take Instant birth chart report then it is good to get to Astrologer Raj shastri ji. It is not that he will ask for much amount of the money from people.

He is one who provides such services to a person for free of cost. Thus his clientele around the world prefer to get to him for making the birth chart. Thus, do get to know how would be the things for you. Do perform some rituals and puja suggested by him if there are any problems going. He is services are actually worth for everyone.

So, do come with your birth details if you want things to be better for yourself.

The post Astrology Birth Chart Report appeared first on Best Astrologer in India.

from Best Astrologer in India https://ift.tt/3eVCpij